Not many people care to realize that for lenin and trotsky. The most important priority was the German revolution!
So much so that they couldn't believe the Russian revolution would survive without a successful German (W European) revolution. We should bear this in mind and share their amazement and trepidation - what did it mean for one of the most contradictory countries on earth, weighed down by unbelievable backwardness, to carry out the most advanced social turnover in history and survive, alone, facing a world full of high-tech slave-drivers and assassins.
No one expected this to happen, not Marx, not Engels, and definitely not Lenin or Trotsky.
Nothing was where it should have been. Every day brought unheard of novelty, undreamt of glories and unprecedented horrors.
The survival of October, and the fact that it took imperialism seven whole decades to bring the bureaucracy to capitulation, means more for our revolutionary work than we know. As do the even less "textbook" socialist revolutions after ww2.
a) socialist revolution is on the agenda in our epoch, whether we like it or not;
b) it happens even under counter-revolutionary (ie non-Marxist, non-proletarian, non-Bolshevik, non-internationalist) leaderships (eg Ho, Tito, Mao, Castro);
c) once it happens, you have to stop the world turning on its axis to undo it, and use up as much energy to keep the world standing still as you did stopping it in the first place;
d) the working masses mobilize and fight for what they see as right...
what are we waiting for?
The answer is - ourselves!
The problem isn't imperialism, economic development, brainwashing mass media, treacherous leaderships... we don't have to wait to find out that they are NOT an unsurmountable obstacle to our revolution
The problem is our own leadership and our own perspectives and actions.
In other words, if we don't do now what we know needs to be done, nothing will ever happen.
I'm tempted to say that the week after the next revolution, everybody will be wondering why it took so long...