9 February 2009

Guardian - down with corporative tax avoidance

Really stupid article, as are all these articles attacking symptoms of capitalist rot and not causes.
What we need is a workers state, run by the workers for the workers, with comprehensive land reform (!), ridding the country of the huge and parasitical land tax, with comprehensive industrial reform ridding the country of a huge and parasitical production tax, and comprehensive financial reform ridding the country of a huge and parasitical interest tax. If all the product from land, industry and banking went to the people and its democratic institutions instead of an infinitesimal group of greedy and irresponsible profiteers, we'd discover just how rich a country we're living in. But right now none of it's ours, it's all theirs.

Of course these reforms need to be international, even though they'd survive even in individual countries for a while, as the USSR did for 80 years.

And anyone notice how totally useless all the established economic theories and experts are when it comes to the crunch? All that's left to take capitalism through to the next big war is a period of Keynesian concessions to the workers to allow capital to lick its wounds, regroup and then try once again to decapitate the hydra- headed working class.

What a stinking, utopian project!

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