22 March 2011

Energy Effluent

Same energy bollocks as the last blog took up. This time it's George Monbiot in the Guardian who's condemning us to millennia of fear, uncertainty and doubt:

I commented:
So much for Monbiot's progressive credentials (I won't bother with "left" or "socialist"). 
I'm sure he's gone through the litany a thousand times... Sellafield, Chernobyl, Murmansk...
And all the US and Soviet weapons and plutonium that's been misplaced and is unaccounted for, and the fact that 100,000 years is a geological time scale, and that Sod's Law rules...
If Monby thinks that the Japanese run "crappy old plants" then god knows how he'd describe what they have in other less "timid" countries. How about some jerry-built breeder on an earthquake fault in some jerry-built nation? (err, China? the Balkans?) Volcanoes? Asteroids? Nuclear bombing (err, Israel finally loses it and bombs Iran).
There's any amount of depleted uranium just lying around in Iraq...
Final deposition? Not even "crappy old" Sweden has found the answer, let alone errr Sellafield.
In fact Monby's lost it... put all the money, scientific research, propaganda and international cooperation into renewables that's been wasted on nukes and you'd have an alternative up and running in a decade. Solar in North Africa, China, India and Australia coupled with High Voltage Direct Current transmission lines coupled with advanced storage capabilities we haven't got an inkling of yet (think video over the internet on mobiles just ten or fifteen years ago). And that's just solar.
M is either headline-hungry, money-hungry or power-hungry - we'll see which in the next few years. A Christopher Hitchins of Big Nuke.

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