15 April 2010

An Indian site against caste

I got a mail from A in India linking to this site:

on caste, women's oppression, communalism, and class struggle in South Asia from a Marxist perspective
With specific reference to the following article:

I subscribed to their emails immediately, and sent the following mail to A:
Straightforward stuff that gives us the conditions for struggle on a more than superficial level. We can contribute to sharpening the perspectives here. Particularly the common lack of trust in the strength of the oppressed classes to fight state repression. Always this emphasis on the "overwhelming" technical (including troops) superiority of the class enemy. If they succeed in their repression, it's because we aren't organizing and mobilizing the way we should. 
The principle here is neither pessimism nor optimism, but a clear understanding of the classes in struggle and the relations of power between them - on the surface and below the surface. Here we can help enormously by bringing in international and historical perspectives - how a determined and conscious struggle has resisted and defeated "overwhelming odds". 
Down with empiricism! Empiricists have never understood history or been able to draw any lessons from it - regardless of what they call themselves. The Manifesto is our touchstone:

The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.

That should be clear enough. It's the classes that are at war, not the groups of individuals engaged in the battles. These groups do the fighting, but as representatives of the warring classes. The relative strengths of the groups change, often very rapidly. But the underlying social and historical strength of the warring classes is constant over whole epochs. 

China (yet again) is a good example. The liberation armies under Maoist leadership tapped into the strength of the oppressed classes. They survived the apparently overwhelming military superiority of the bourgeois war machine (the bourgeoisie is always mobilized for war and engaging in armed aggression against the working class and its allies - as the current Indian example in the east-central tribal areas demonstrates very clearly), regrouped, mobilized the classes, released their potential power, and swept away the bourgeoisie. 

If they could do it despite the inadequate perspectives of the leadership, we can do it and surpass it, too.

« De l'audace, encore de l'audace, toujours de l'audace », as the great French revolutionary leader Danton said. "Bold and daring, even more bold and daring, always bold and daring!"


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