12 April 2010

Let there be light!

A wonderful little story by Germaine Greer in today's Guardian. A perfect provocation of manacled minds, yielding a rich harvest of ignorant and bigoted comments.

My own comment:

The puppies yelp, the caravan passes...
One of the most liberating things about liberation is fighting for it. Those were liberating days. Fellini, old-style not-so-intellectual but no-holds-barred iconic culture critic and mythologue, meets new-style intellectual and no-holds-barred culture critic and iconoclast Germaine G... Female Eunuch meet Casanova and Citta delle Donne. If this had been filmed (heh) it would be as iconic as the Mailer brawl in New York. Mailer Iliad and Fellini Odyssey.
Out in the sun in the open air. US imperialism getting turfed out of Vietnam, Portuguese imperialism getting turfed out of Africa, Spanish fascism getting turfed out of Spain... Equal Pay Act... Sex Discrimination Act.
We had a few good years left (got rid of the Shah...) till Thatcher and Reagan and Disco started stomping all over us.
Fellini was good at twisting the Zeitgeist by his balls till he showed himself for what he was in relation to real people. So are you, Germaine.
And that generator! What to say...
Fiat lux!

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