18 February 2010

Central planning, socialization...

This is my response to a tech magazine piece on Google's plans for developing ultra-fast broadband access in the US.


Well, if ordinary capitalism (Verizon etc) is unable and unwilling to unleash the full potential of high speed broadband access for a nation and its citizens, then socializing, centrally planned, innovational and let's do it ubercapitalism will. Google is showing not just the potential of high-speed universal access broadband provision, but also the huge and incontrovertible superiority of blatantly creative and socially oriented large-scale operations.

Their recipe for satisfying humanity's thirst for knowledge, ideas and culture is to make these things instantly available to everyone. Revolutionary, ANTI- monopolistic, and absolutely necessary.

When it comes to collective social progress and responsiblity, Google puts even the cutting-edge innovative excellence of Apple into the shade. Apple is a one-man show, and giving society what it needs is not where it's at. It releases its products in tightly controlled pellets, so to speak. Compared to Google Apple is constipated and Steve Jobs screams when he shits.

So Google isn't perfect. Who is? But it's decades ahead of the zombie capitalism suffocating the US and the rest of the world today.

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