9 February 2010

Managing behaviour in the classroom

Interesting and potentially useful article in the Guardian on how to manage classroom behaviour:

My comment:

I can endorse all of this and could even add some frills of my own... which I won't cos the suggestions given here will work if they are put into practice. But they do need a personal confidence and maturity and serenity of soul  that you can't get off the shelf. Which is a big but given the social origins, upbringing, and training of most teachers.
The one thing I will add is an expansion of "walkie talkie as back up". Never walk alone!
If you feel it's only you and the kids you're dead unless you find some ad hoc system that works for both the kids and you - with the emphasis on the kids.
The best thing is for school management to be a supportive and familiar presence throughout the school.
Fat chance - so the next best thing is to have some reliable allies among your colleagues. One for all and all for one. Work out rapid communications methods, and feasible ways of joining the ruck without creating a bigger one in the hole you leave when you go to help. School layout and timetabling will play a big part in this.
If you're not lucky, then welcome to the club and get some training in mental and physical self-defence and keep your eyes open for alternative work, or you'll be a basket case by 45.

There *are* good schools of course, but then, there are also good estate agents and good second-hand car salesmen.

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