1 February 2010

On cutting palaeography at universities

Mary Beard's blog:


My comment:

Governments exist to handle the general needs of the ruling class. At the moment the ruling class is the imperialist bourgeoisie. Its general needs are evidently pumping as much gold into the gullets of their rich and powerful big bourgeois buddies as possible, including themselves (eg Bliar post-PM). And protecting it by any means needed, including the Big Lie and the grotesque war juggernaut.

Culture is just as evidently no longer a general need of the ruling class.

So if we love palaeography - and I do - then our first priority should be to dump this ruling class and out ourselves in its place as the new ruling class. Ourselves ruling ourselves in our own best interests, including culture. This would eliminate private profit (a 15% surcharge on everything to "satisfy" the insatiable, vampires and leeches all...), and the lunacy of war. Good enough reasons??

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