9 February 2010

Sceptics of the world - dissolve in crocodile tears...

A completely undialectical article in today's Guardian about the "death of the left".


My comment:


Except that the working class is still there and still has the same fundamental needs as always - emancipating itself and humanity by ridding each nation and the world of bourgeois rule and the blatantly unsuccessful and pitifully inadequate capitalist system based on private property and wage-slavery.

Workers will always be there (but not always as wage-slaves), cos someone has to actually design and make and maintain the things we need. The capitalists need us.

But the bourgeoisie is in an historical pickle, to say the least. The workers don't need them or their capitalist system. Not never nohow.

So the New Left (more properly the Fake or Sceptical or Agnostic or Not-Really-Left Left) is no longer sitting on a fence between workers non-capitalist socialism and bourgeois capitalism, but is hovering over the abyss that has opened up between the classes following the tearing up of consensus and the clawing back of the crisis (of capitalist survival) measures of the Welfare State.

When it plummets, no one will shed a tear. Who the hell remembers or gives a shit about the Mensheviks? Or the Fabians, for that matter?

Which side are you on? is becoming a crucial question. Not "is there any more room on that fence?"

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