23 February 2010

State snooping - get at the cause not the symptoms!

This is an article in New Scientist about a new and highly invasive snooping law being surreptitiously in many countries.


And this is my comment:

Two very clear tendencies here.

One is the explosive and accelerating development of the forces of production - hardware, software and wetware (ideas, culture, science).
Two is the growing incapacity of our current bourgeois-capitalist relations of production (private property, eg patents and copywrong) to contain it.
This incapacity is causing accelerating desperation in the ruling class (and its willing and less willing tools), which in turn generates an accelerating juggernaut of repressive measures - censorship, spying, "security" operations, and military aggression.
The big beneficiaries of the present setup - the Big Bourgeoisie - are shrinking in number nation by nation and worldwide. The losers - those with nothing to sell in the market but their labour power - have hugely increased in number over the decades following the second world war by means of subsistence rural populations being expelled from the land and forced into big city slums. This is not "urbanization" but proletarianization.

We need to start reacting to the totality of the developing totalitarian repression, not just symptoms like this latest snooping law. Symptoms are painful and important - but until the underlying causes are removed they will break out anywhere and everywhere at any time.

It's clean, fresh air we need, not facemasks.

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